1. Which kind of materials will your machine accept to Recycle?
Plastic Bottles, which will be regularly used in CANADA (Water Bottles, Soft Drinks, etc.) In addition to that, our machine will have a Screen on the bottle entry to automatically identify the type of bottle.
2. What kind of points will be collected; how can we use those points?
R3Rewards Application will be linked with the reverse-vending machines. Points will increase gradually with the increasing quantity of the bottles. Those points can be exchanged into our shopping vouchers, which the Application automatically generates.
3. Do we need to create an account to collect the points?
Yes, definitely, the R3Rewards Application is very easy to start using.
4. What are all the services R3Rewards offer?
R3Rewards is made to help the environment and to recycle the products in Canada. Our main services will be collecting used plastic bottles and sending them to the recycling plant. Points and rewards will be the motivation.
5. Which RVMs belong to R3Rewards only?
R3Rewards RVMs will have the R3Rewards logo. You can find four models on our social media, where you can review them and vote for your favorite.
6. Does the Reverse Vending Machine collect only Plastic Bottles?
Yes – bottles only will be accepted. Our RVM has a screen on the entry of the bottle collector to identify the size and type of the bottles.
7. Do the points collections have any limit?
There is no limit, and the R3Rewards Application has four levels specific to the collected points.
First Level: Greenie, which will be after earning 100 points
Second Level: Eco-Nerd will be after earning 300 points
Third Level: Tree Hugger will be after earning 600 points
Fourth Level: Earth Hero will be after earning 1000 points
8. Will RVM be available in Shopping-Malls, Parks, Train Stations, Airports, Bus Stations, etc., all over Canada?
Our goal is to start in British Columbia, in Vancouver and beyond.
9. Does R3Rewards have Recycle Machines for Textile/Clothes?
Unfortunately, we do not.
10. What are “R3Rewards” values?
We are a company to save the environment in Canada. We provide Reverse Vending Machines to collect used plastic bottles and send them to recycling.
11. Can kids and the elderly operate your machine easily?
Of course, the R3Rewards machine and Application are very easy to use. Our main goal is to educate kids and motivate them to recycle.
12. What is your machine service time? 24x7?
Machines will be available 24x7.
13. How can you be reached if the machine needs servicing?
There will be a phone number and email available on the machine itself. Help Chat option will be available in the Application as well.